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First of all you need to read my post on how to create new facebook application using AS3 by follow below link:
in this tutorial I will show you two Integration point with facebook API:
- getting Friend Status .
- Sending Messages to you friend chat box.
To get your friends status you need to make sure that friends_online_presence and user_online_presence Permissions have been applied to facebook uiserver.php for your application as below sample :
var PermURL = ",publish_stream,user_online_presence&return_session=0&fbconnect=0&canvas=1&legacy_return=1&method=permissions.request"
now in order to get your friends status, you need to get the online_presence field from facebook User table using fqlQuery as below :
Facebook.fqlQuery("SELECT uid, online_presence FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = --please fill here the uer Id who you need to get his friends status--) ",LoadOnlineUsers)
private function LoadOnlineUsers(response:Object, fail:Object)
var OnlineString =""
var OnlineUsers:Array = new Array()
for (var key:Object in response)
var oUsersOnlineClass:UsersOnlineClass= new UsersOnlineClass();
public class UsersOnlineClass
private var sUserID:String = "";
private var sStatus:String = "";
//Item Constructor
public function UsersOnlineClass()
public function get UserID():String {
return sUserID;
public function set UserID(x:String):void {
sUserID = x;
public function get Status():String {
return sStatus;
public function set Status(x:String):void {
sStatus = x;
as you can in the above code that I have get my frineds online status ( active, offline, null)and store them along with their Ids in an array to use it anywhere in my application .
sending a new chat message from our AS3 application :
this is that hard part where you need to follow precisely below steps :
- the first step is to use facebook sending messages URL :
- var url:String = "";
- the second step is to create URL post variable to send them to the above URL :
- var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
requestVars.msg_text = "Message Text"; = "friend ID";
requestVars.msg_id = "Random Message ID";
requestVars.client_time = new Date().getTime().toString();
requestVars.post_form_id = "you can find this field by viewing facebook source page";and for me i am trying now to get this field in adynamic way using javascript function and pass it to flash ( no success until now cuase i am using Iframe :( " = requestVars;
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
- now to send these variables to the facebook message center URL we need to use URL Loader :
- var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteHandler, false, 0, true);
- all u need now is to handle the result data and decoded the data using JSON serialization to an object
- function loaderCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
sResult= sResult.replace("for (;;);","")
var Res = JSON.decode(d,false)
for any question regarding this tutorial, please visit